
🌟 Star Grounding πŸŒŸ


a quick guide on grounding with the stars / cosmos for you star gazers

🌟  it may seem a bit contradictory to ground with something in the sky rather than the earth. the focus is to ground as if you were an star in space, and to find the power and stability in yourself.

🌟  (to the best of your ability) find a view of the clear sky in the sky, and rest somewhere the starlight can reach you

🌟  if there is a specific star or constellation you want to draw energy from, have a clear view of it.

🌟  visualize:

every flare of light over your skin fills you and reacts, igniting power and new energy. it solidifies in your spirit and makes you feel whole.

you are significant, you have your own gravity. perhaps not the whole universe, but there are things that revolve around you.

you ground within yourself. old energies burn off and dissipate into the cosmos.

the light that over you brings new, fresh energy. it fills you with the bright and warm

🌟  when you are ready, let the star light fade its hold on you. you are not severing the ties harshly, only letting them fall away, and release.

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