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Winter Witchery Challenge

Hello everyone!

I’ve gotten a bit away from my Craft due to mundane stuff and the madness of the last couple years. So I’m going to be devoting December to getting back to it. I think many of us are in the same boat, so I invite you to join me! I know December can be a busy month for many, so I’m hoping to continue this into January as well. I’ll be posting here hopefully every week or two for updates, so you can follow my journey– and maybe be inspired for your own!

I intend to start this challenge on December first with a brainstorming session: what do I want to resume doing? Is there anything I no longer wish to do in my Craft? What new things do I want to explore?

There are no specific prompts. Just try to do something witchy each day. It can be big or small. Researching an area of interest for your Craft counts!

I hope you’ll join me in this adventure!

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