micah speaks, witchcraft

Wintery Witchery Update #4: Conclusion

Hello everyone! Apologies for the unscheduled disappearance. I experienced some technical difficulties, by which I mean my laptop refused to boot up. While waiting to get a new laptop setup, I have been doing what I can in the Winter Witchery Challenge, which comes to a close today.

I’ve been doing various things to keep up with the challenge after my computer failed. I experimented with using art as a form of meditation (something I’d like to try again some day), worked with my familiar spirits, met some new ones, and attempted to get back to my routine where my spiritual life was incorporated into my mundane life. I suppose in many ways that’s what I wanted to achieve with this two month challenge. I didn’t quite get there, but I did do things I wouldn’t have done without the challenge, so I think it still counts as a win in my book. And I do feel I can get back to my routine. I just need a little more time and stability in life, which isn’t where things have been, but they’re getting there.

In the end, a large part of this was also about recognizing that sometimes, mundane life will take over. The spiritual things will fall away, but I can always pick them back up. That, I think, is my main lesson here. If you were following along in the challenge, I hope you learned something as well.

micah speaks, witchcraft

Winter Witchery: Update #3

Three weeks into December already! Where has the time gone?

This was a very low spoons week for me, which you’ll see reflected in this update. I hope everyone is taking at least a little inspiration from my Winter Witchery Challenge!

December 15th: Spirit sensing. I didn’t get much for sensing my spirits individually, but did notice their energies as a whole. I made the mistake of lying down while I tried to sense them, and drifted off to sleep.

December 16th: meditation. With almost no spoons, this was all I could manage. I had some success.

December 17th: meditation again. Much as the previous day.

December 18th: spirit sensing. This didn’t go very well because as in my last attempt, I fell asleep.

December 19th: shadow work. I didn’t journal today, but instead worked with one of my tarot decks that focuses mainly on my shadow work, getting both a general message and a more shadow work specific message.

December 20th: energy work. I did alright considering how long it’s been. I feel I am slowly making progress.

December 21st: Winter Solstice celebration! My celebrations are generally very low key. This year it was a mug of hot chocolate with extra whipped cream, and a snowflake drawing with some blue fineliner pens. It’s not much, but I feel it’s enough to recognize the day.

I’ll be back next week for another update! I hope you are also taking some time to get back to your magic.

micah speaks, witchcraft

Winter Witchery: Update #2

How…how is it already time for the second update for the Winter Witchery Challenge? Where did December go?

December 8th: Divination day. I finally had the energy and presence of mind to do some divination! I’ve been itching to finally use my Marigold Tarot, which I got back in April or so and have barely touched because…life. I did four cards for a mini interview spread, then got three more for later messages. It felt great to do divination again.

December 9th: Crystal Info. Today I didn’t have much info or motivation, so I carried on working on my document with crystal information. If nothing else, I’m learning some neat geology tidbits!

December 10th: Crystal info, much the same as yesterday. Interesting find of the day: citrine can rarely naturally combine with amethyst, creating a purple and orangey bicolor crystal called “ametrine”.

December 11th: Crystal Organization. I got a burst of energy, and sorted the majority of my crystals into plastic storage containers that I usually see advertized for holding hardware or suchlike. Each compartment contains a little label, so I know for sure what crystal I’m looking at.

December 12th: Tried to spend a few minutes meditating and sensing my spirits better. It really was just a few minutes, but baby steps, right? I’m getting back into this, after all, I shouldn’t expect this to be easy right away.

December 13th: I was in the mood for something artistic, so I ended up creating an art piece with my acrylic markers, with colors and subject matter (mountains) influenced by the preferences of one of my spirits. It’s not my favorite thing I’ve ever created, but it was nice to do some art and chat with a spirit.

December 14th: Another spirit sensing day. I was able to sense very little, as my mind was wandering, my usual meditation methods to calm down my brain failing me. But, I tried, and that should count for something.

I’ll be back next week for another update so you can follow along in my journey! I hope this inspires you to do something witchy as well!

micah speaks, witchcraft

Winter Witchery: Update #1

Hello everyone! Micah here with an update on my Winter Witchery Challenge. We’re a week into December, so here’s a quick summary of what I’ve done for each day so far:

December 1st: A brainstorming day for where I wanted to go from here. I asked myself 4 questions: what do I want to continue or resume in my Craft? What would I like to explore? What do I want to do more of? What do I want to do less of?

December 2nd: Today was a ‘research day’ where I explored one of the areas I identified yesterday, which is crystals. I happen to have a crystal shop within walking distance, so I took a stroll up and took one of the little cards with crystal correspondence on it for every. single. crystal. in the shop. It was quite a thick stack of paper by the end! I came home with a few crystals I picked out myself by intuition, and one more that one of my spirit companions led me to.

December 3rd: Today I spent time with my spirits, just being with them. I also started a document with the name, correspondences, and some geological info of crystals. I’m basing it off the little info cards I picked up yesterday. It isn’t all crystals, of course, but it’s a start. The geological info was to help keep me grounded in what I know and trust–I’m still a little dubious on crystals, but I do have an interest in them from a geological standpoint as well.

December 4th: I chatted with one of my spirits about crystals. This spirit happens to be rather knowledgeable about them (they’re the one that lead me to one on the second). We chatted mostly about the powers and limitations of crystals, what they can and can’t do, and also a little about how to use them. I always feel I don’t know what to do with them once I get them.

December 5th: Today was the resumption of a habit I tried to start a while back, “Shadow Sunday”, where I take some time each Sunday to do a little shadow work. This time I used a visualization, which you can find here.

December 6th: I spent a few minutes doing some energy work practice. It’s been ages, but this used to be a daily habit, and I want to return to that.

December 7th: Spirit time. I spent a few minutes meditating, trying to sense my spirit friends and identify who was where. It quickly turned into a cuddling session with me just trying to be still and sense them. It didn’t last long, as I’m not in the habit of sitting still, but perhaps in time I can do this for longer.

Well, that was a much, much longer update than I intended it to be! But I do want you to get a good idea of what the challenge is aimed at, and hopefully inspire you as well!

Are you participating in the Winter Witchery Challenge? How is it going for you? Are you enjoying it? Is it helping you get back into your Craft?

I’ll be back next week or so for another update!

about the blog, micah speaks, witchcraft

Winter Witchery Challenge

Hello everyone!

I’ve gotten a bit away from my Craft due to mundane stuff and the madness of the last couple years. So I’m going to be devoting December to getting back to it. I think many of us are in the same boat, so I invite you to join me! I know December can be a busy month for many, so I’m hoping to continue this into January as well. I’ll be posting here hopefully every week or two for updates, so you can follow my journey– and maybe be inspired for your own!

I intend to start this challenge on December first with a brainstorming session: what do I want to resume doing? Is there anything I no longer wish to do in my Craft? What new things do I want to explore?

There are no specific prompts. Just try to do something witchy each day. It can be big or small. Researching an area of interest for your Craft counts!

I hope you’ll join me in this adventure!