energy work, witchcraft

Burn Away the Sadness Spell

This is a quick little spell for releasing sadness. Witchcraft is of course not a replacement for medical professionals of any sort. Seek help if you need it.

I dreamed up this spell in as I was trying to fall asleep one night. For this spell you will need:

  • an envelope
  • paper
  • something to write with
  • basic energy work skills
  • a match or lighter, and a safe space to have open flames (optional)


  1. Ground and center in whichever manner you prefer. You can shield as well if it feels appropriate to you.
  2. Take the paper and writing utensil. Write down all the things that are making you sad. All of them.
  3. Collect the sad energy from within yourself, in whatever way you prefer. Imbue the paper with the sad energy. Make it connected so that the energy merges with the paper.
  4. Place the paper in the envelope and seal the envelope.
  5. Burn the envelope. If you cannot burn things or do not wish to, rip it to shreds. Visualize all your sadness being burned/ripped up and destroyed along with it.
  6. Dispose of the ashes or paper pieces as you see fit (but keep the environment in mind!)
  7. Ground and center again.

And that’s it! You should be able to adapt this to other negative emotions, as well. Feel free to ask questions, or tell me how it goes if you try it!


Box up negativity



  • A small box – it can be wood, metal, anything. It is especially effective if the box has a lock.
  • Paper and pens

This spell is designed to be worked over a period of time. Put the box on your altar and place your hands on both sides of it. Imagine protective energy surrounding the box. The box is like a trap for negativity. Anything can enter it, but negativity cannot leave it. Speak the following words:

Anything put in here will stay, to be forever locked away.

Place the box somewhere safe. Whenever you want to get rid of anything negative – fear, anxiety, anger, anything – write down exactly what you want to get rid of on a small slip of paper and put it in the box. Visualize the negativity being trapped in the box, where it can’t ever escape. Each time, shut the box firmly and say:

I lock this negativity away.

When the box is full, build a fire and toss the papers into the flames. Say:

All that harms is lost in flame, so burn, fire, burn
Negativity is banished, never to return

If you do not have a way to build a fire, you can burn the papers in a flame-proof container, such as your cauldron. This is slower, but still effective.


i have a question which may sound potentially stupid but — what if a witch is scared of fire? how does one work around this?



Either work through your fear, or accept that you cannot do spells that use fire. You can substitute in things like a candle warmer, a hot pad, etc. but they will not have the same energy as fire. Not every spell or practice uses fire though, so I’m sure it won’t be too big of an issue to find a flame free path.

That and you can use….

-electric candles (which i reccomend anyways for anyone who meditates/astral travels with candles, for fire safety in case of deep trance or accidental sleep.)

-The colors of fire, red, orange, and sometimes yellow or blue. (Sparkle and shine is also cool)

-Incense is usually associated with air (smoke related to the floatyness of air) but the embers that generate that smoke can be used to burn through paper, and are still burning, even without flame, so… That can be used

-Ashes, lava rocks, or even metals or blown glass have come in contact closely and were formed by fire, and can be tied into things.

Fire can exist without flame, and exists within all of us, in the electricity of our brains, the heat of our blood, and the passion in our hearts.